ICST Ambisonics Plugins Track Templates

Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology / (ICST) Zurich University of the Arts

The ICST Ambisonics Plugins v.2.x includes the following templates:


    • ICST Mono-Encoder_o3 Template
    • ICST Multi-AmbiEncoder_o3 Template


The plugin installer installs the 'ICST AmbisonicsTracks templates' in this folder:
/Users/<Username>/Library/Application\ Support/REAPER/TrackTemplates/ICST\ Ambisonics\ Plugins
There you will find the following track templates to help you create your personal Reaper session workflow.

Examples of Sessions-Templates in Reaper.

Example_01: to open an ICST Ambisonics Plugin Session-Template

The following examples show the application and necessary installations.
Example_02: open the ICST Track-templates --> Right-click
The next examples show track templates for binaural decoding.
Example_03: Binaural_Ambi_MicroVR (free)

The next example shows an Example with the IEM-BinauralDecoder
click on FX to open the Plugins.
Example_04: ICST Ambisonics Plugins Template with IEM-BinauralDecoder.
