ICST AmbiPlugins Templates
Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology / (ICST) Zurich University of the Arts
The templates provides a quick introduction and initial understanding of how to create Ambisonics content using the ICST Ambisonics Plugins. The templates provide a quick introduction and initial understanding of how to create Ambisonics content using the ICST Ambisonics plugins. Two templates are installed in 3rd-Order ANC/SN3D ambiX. Once for the ICST-Mono-AmbiEncoder and once for the ICST-Multi-Encoder. For binaural monitoring (optional), we recommend the Ambisonics to Binaural plugins from IEM and DearVR.
ICST Mono-AmbiEncoder Plugin Template
Fig. 01 Project Template ICST Mono-AmbiEncoder Overview
The advantage of the 'ICST Mono-AmbiEncoder' is that you can move and edit the Spatializations data (XYZ) together with the audio file.
Fig. 02 The Audio-routing for the ICST Mono-AmbiEncoder
Fig. 03 Signal-flow for the ICST Mono-AmbiEncoder
Note: The audio channels change depending on the Ambisonics order.
ICST Multi-AmbiEncoder Plugin Template
Fig. 01 Project Template ICST Multi-AmbiEncoder Overview
Fig. 02 Project Template ICST Multi-AmbiEncoder Signalflow
In the ICST Multi-AmbiEncoder template the audio routing looks different. (see Fig. 03)
Fig. 03 ICST Multi-AmbiEncoder audio-routing
The ICST Multi-Ambiencoder allows the spatialization of up to 64 incoming mono sources. You can also form 'groups' in the ICST Multi-Ambiencoder and place and move them as such. For detailed tutorials and 'best practices tips' please check out our tutorial blog: www.ambisonics.ch/
ICST Ambisonics Plugins https://bitbucket.org/christian_schweizer/icst-ambisonics-plugins/wiki/Readme